Apple watch design guidelines

Apple Watch was designed for quick interactions that make the most of the display and its position on the user’s wrist. Information is quick and easy to access and dismiss. The best apps support fast interactions and focus on the content that users care about the most.Apple Watch was designed Weiterlesen…

Morning drinks

We spoke to experts to figure out natural ways to enhance metabolism – one of the most obvious ones would certainly be through appropriate dietary choices. Ingredients like seeds, herbs, dairy, fruits and veggies can be combined to arrive at exciting options that can be added to your daily diet. Weiterlesen…

Clean elegant interior design

White is the most commonly used color in interior design, especially in areas where bathing, cleaning and food preparation are prevelant. This is due to the fact that you can see anything that appears on white and wipe it up, keeping the surfaces clean and germ free. White combines well Weiterlesen…

Inside water world

Sea turtles have been around since the time of the dinosaurs, but all seven species in the world face potential extinction. Oceana runs proven campaigns to protect sea turtles from death as bycatch, habitat degradation and other issues. Learn fun facts and how you can help your favorite sea turtles Weiterlesen…

Travelling alone is the best feelings

Want to travel alone? You’re not the only one! Travelling alone will change your life. Don’t get me wrong, any form of wandering around this beautiful planet will bring changes and improvement to the lives of those with restless feet, but there’s something special about solo adventures. Travelling by yourself Weiterlesen…

Making of bread needs a great skill

you’re baking at home and wondering how you can improve your skills, there … When it comes to proficiency in these skills, it takes years to master. Books and online tutorials are a great way to get inspiration and practice … Whether that is waiting for yeast to activate so Weiterlesen…