Beautiful lantern
Whether floating across the night sky in the hundreds, drifting gently across the water, hanging from summer trees, draped on temples to ring in the New Year, or simply dangling from the ceiling in your bedroom, lanterns have a unique way of transfixing us with their graceful, glowing beauty. Luckily Weiterlesen…
Blue ocean waves flowing gently
The most common type of marine bioluminescence is generated by phytoplankton known as dinoflagellates. A recent study co-authored by Hastings has for the first time identified a special channel in the dinoflagellate cell membrane that responds to electrical signals—offering a potential mechanism for how the algae create their unique illumination. Weiterlesen…
Getting ready for beautiful bride
Get ready: As soon as you get engaged, everyone is going to ask to see your ring. Keep those nails and hands primed and pretty with regular manis. This is also your chance to experiment with colors and get to know your manicurist. Pro tip: Let your nail beds dictate Weiterlesen…
Lovely red
Famous red rose of long stems, naturally without spines and owner of a huge button with velvety petals. Of indisputable quality this variety adapted perfectly to the climate of Ceará and conquered all with its unique characteristics, besides the facility in the folding of petals for decoration.Seeking to generate tones Weiterlesen…
Photography in a milky bathtub
During my two years in sunny Malaga, I got to know many wonderful people, collected delicious tastes and unforgettable moments. Now I am back in my home country, to start a new exciting project…With my background and knowledge of French and Spanish cuisine now I am searching, cooking and baking Weiterlesen…
Travelling alone is the best feelings
Want to travel alone? You’re not the only one! Travelling alone will change your life. Don’t get me wrong, any form of wandering around this beautiful planet will bring changes and improvement to the lives of those with restless feet, but there’s something special about solo adventures. Travelling by yourself Weiterlesen…
Rest a while and run a mile.
While resting between runs may make a lot of sense, it is much more difficult to wrap your head around the concept of resting while you run. When you go out for a run, the concept of rest that comes to mind is shutting down, sitting down, and possibly laying Weiterlesen…
A Vision of Beauty
I have been asked tonight to talk about a Christian vision of beauty, and I am first struck by the fact that this conversation would be so rare. There are altogether too few opportunities for Christians to ponder some of the biggest questions of life. We tend to focus on Weiterlesen…
Earth Laughs in Flowers
Though it’s often been attributed to e.e. cummings, it actually appears in Hamatreya, by Ralph Waldo Emerson. A slight misquote, its meaning taken out of context is quite different than in the poem.